Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Casino Cheated $500,000 in 5 Months

Two New Yorkers will be going on trial for allegations of scamming the Mohegan Sun casino. The scam involved collaboration with two casino dealers Jian Ng and Bong Louie who will be trialed separately. The cards 7, 8 and 9 were marked by the dealers and troopers say Hu and Hung won more than $500,000 the boston.com reported. More on my webpage.


  1. XingCai, I am amazed! You know baccarat well to be able to tell with such a short news write up that edge sorting is used. I look forward to see you write on the lead I suggested you write about.

    1. It would take me some time. I still have no idea where to start. Perhaps you or savyseph could cover it a bit to give me a kick start.

  2. Nothing last forever. Greed catches up eventually.

    1. Casino will be suspicious if you overdo it.

    2. They should do it like Phil Ivey. Adorable Phil is in a class of his own.

      Good to see XingCai on the ball again.
