Monday, 26 August 2013

Firearms at Gambling Shops

gun and machete robbery scene

Violence at the betting shop in on the rise recently. To add on to the sense of insecurity, robbers are getting more daring by using firearms.

With a gun and a machete two robbers busted into a bookie shop in Chesterton. The amount that they managed to get away with was not reveal.

There are indication that money was not the real issue here. The robbers may have a different agenda.

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  1. Security measures are bad at betting shops.

  2. This is bad publicity for the casino.

    By the way XingCai, you still having problem with the dropdown menu?

    1. It's hard to believe betting shop don't understand risk exposure.

    2. I hope to the get dropdown menu up by the next article in maybe 2 days or by next week.

    3. I look forward to see you newly designed webpage. The menu in the present one is getting too cluttered.

  3. You think this manga will inspire people to rob casino?
