Friday, 9 August 2013

Students Turn to Gambling

Save the Student's Survey

A survey of 2,300 students was done by Save the Student, a website on money management, to gauge how students are coping with the escalating cost of living in the UK.

students with empty pockets

It showed that 8 in 10 students do not have sufficient money to live on and a shocking 1 out of 5 turning to gambling to make ends meet. It also unfolded that 1 out of 4 would consider taking a job in the adult entertainment industry and 2% thought about going to a payday loan firm. More on my webpage.


  1. Rotten-gamblers will make all kind of excuses to justify their need to gamble.

    1. Gambling to make up for lack of money will only give the casino more money.

    2. Are student desperate for money or just making excuses?

  2. Student will be poorer if they turn to gambling to get more money.
