There is a Chinese saying, "nine out of ten who gambled will lose". Since there are more losers than winners, it is more common to hear gamblers put the blame on anything. People who do not gamble don't even give a damn with their justifications and excuses. They can whine all they want about it. If the amount was substantial these non gamblers may lend a sympathetic ears but deep down inside they thinks these gamblers deserve it. They should know better the risk that was at hand and should stop being a cry baby.
When there is nothing else to blame, gamblers will accuse the casino of using black magic. This not an exaggeration. It is a common accusation in Malaysia. It just amazing that they can come up with such ridiculous justification. Once you run out of excuses you had exhausted the rational so what remains is the irrational.
Read this news for the account of the biggest sore loser behaving like a cry baby. Now the situation is the other way around. The casino is the cry baby. I never expected a casino that had always been under constant fire for using witchcraft to resort to an equally ridiculous accusation.

(Ivey's profile pic on twitter)
Phil Ivey, an American who is one of the world's top professional poker players, was accused of cheating in a baccart game by Crockfords, one of London's oldest and most respected casinos now owned by the Malaysian based Genting Group. Quoting from
The casino group said in the court papers that Ivey's "illegal acts" void his claimed winnings. It said he was able to have a "significant advantage" over the casino by using improper means to determine whether the first card being dealt in the baccarat hands would be a powerful or weak card, allowing him to place his bets accordingly.
That is like saying Ivey here has an "uncanny" ability to predict cards. Ivey racked up winnings of roughly 7.8 million pounds ($11.9 million). When it involves millions the Malaysian based Genting Group will sulk like a baby and refuse to let you redeem their worthless chips to cash. You have to go through the long process of legal proceeding to get it.